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Nov 4, 20191 min read
Meditation Unraveled
Namaskar No Chants, No techniques, no methods, no logic, no reason, no lecture, no speech, no scripture, no religion, no conditions;...

Nov 27, 20184 min read
Illuminating Light
The core of learning and awakening emerges from the very essence of the human mind in the most benevolent manner. Be it external world of...

Jul 25, 20175 min read
ध्यान की शुरूवात मन के एकाग्रता से होता है|एकाग्रता मानव को मानव चित्त को लेकर जाता है| जिस क्षण मानव मन और चित्त एकमय होते है उस क्षण...

Jul 18, 20173 min read
Swami Kriyananda
This is possible reality I saw in most cases of the path taken by people wherein one can find a true one and also a false one emerging...

Jan 19, 20161 min read
O what a beautiful life I have, mornings I wake up to the sun, Night’s I make poetry with moon, Millions stars makes blanket for me. ...
Nov 16, 20144 min read
Realization and Enlightenment PART – III
Enlightenment is the path of purity, which means the inner core has to be stable, even if the body and physical structure may wither...
Nov 15, 20143 min read
Realization and Enlightenment- II
For understanding enlightenment is it is like a beautiful story where one day the Guru(Master) in an Ashram announced to the world that...
Nov 14, 20148 min read
Realization and Enlightenment- I
When someone says Dhyana, Bhakti, Gyana, Karma marga what comes to our mind, lot of Saints and their miracles. When we think of Messiah...
Mar 11, 20142 min read
Majority of people seek human encyclopedia, to know great theories, philosophies, but they don’t want to follow anything said by one...
Feb 16, 20142 min read
Shāranagāti(surrender) is a not a technique to be learned, it happens Surrender happens when you are not, so one cannot surrender....
Jan 13, 20148 min read
Chidaksha Day
It is truly a great experience to meet an enlightened spirit, in those moments one is able to gain true insight within the self. Over...
Oct 17, 20114 min read
Human beings have been blessed uniquely with the concept of Pacha Trsnā (five thirsts). One form of thirst is Bhur Trsnā which all living...
Oct 11, 20118 min read
Fear of Knowing and Surrender
The modern education system has been wonderful for it provided a two prong effect one to make things more and more complicated rather...
Nov 23, 20103 min read
Effort-Less Less-Effort
One person went to a Master and was continuously talking about his efforts and meditation processes he had done over the years and that...
Sep 14, 20102 min read
Sometime someone
Sometime someone said so Enlightenment is Endless walk I know it for someone told me so Neo-Yoga, Neo-Advaita, Neo-dharma Neo-dhyan,...
Jul 16, 20085 min read
Ācharyagüru Swami Shri Chidananda Bharati ji – A Biography
Ācharyagüru Swami Shri Chidananda Bharati ji was born in 1909 at Chandoli village in Alwar Distt of Rajesthan near Gujarat as Shri...
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