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The moment the glory the time all shall go but one thing remains steadfast and that is Karma bhava and Sneha bhava.

So many wishes came so many thoughtful gifts came but one that took the oath of being part of the new wave of life and upholding the Dharma not the religious connotation but one that is truth and shall remain so for millions of years to come if the oath is combined with Karma and Sneha bhava. The passion and love that requires to nourish a child from birth by a mother similar passion compounded with surrender is required for serving the cause of Truth and Dharma.

It is not easy to get human form moreover it becomes nearly impossible to gain the insight of the divine with the ritualistic tendencies and when the divine is there to show the way and HE himself has blessed this movement how can anything else matter.

It is easy to get carried on and people have been carrying their life as it is something of a burden and forceful act done by the nature. Is this the way the life was designed by divine for us or is it a way of life we have selected with the choices we make. We love to discuss philosophy, science, medicine, religion all in one go but is it the reality or has it changed anything within us for a change works through us to build a new wave a wave of living the life it should be actually done and not as per the choices made by us which most of the time we fail to truly adhere to.

There is only one True Guru the divine Himself rest all of us are mediums for HIS work and the moment we start feeling that by doing some rituals in HIS name he would become pleased with us and grant us the material goals in life then the problem starts for HE never tires by giving but we get tired by asking. The begging bowl of Kapala which represents the endless desires of us and it can never be full for the bowl remains eternally empty, yet when the work assigned by HIM is done the bowl fills in to provide the nectar of life and shows the path of eternal bliss. The staff in HIS other hand represents the attachment and support we always seek yet we get punished by the attachment and support itself.

This bliss of nectar of life does not want us to move away from the life we are living but it wants us to get us detached with the way we are living with self created assumptions of attachments. The form of Divine is like a child who loves to be part of us for we are part of HIM though we never want to acknowledge it for we fear that we might be going against the scriptures but then how many have actually understood the scriptures very few or handful number of people and those who have understood have just been in bliss to talk more about it. It is not easy to talk about the force of creator for HE is neither in the deities we believe nor in the rituals we perform those are the norms and names created by the society but the true essence is beyond all this and this in itself makes the whole of the essence of the divine to be simple and innocent like a child. It is easy to know what the child wants if we are simple enough similarly to know the Divine being simple in essence is more important than spending hours on rituals or tools for it has been given by the ancient sages, it used to work then now also it works but we have become complicated for we look at rituals and conditions than the essence to whom it is offered.

Soul Searchers intends to raise the consciousness of people and to help create a turning point on this planet—a world where people are in tune with their inner-selves, living healthy and creative lives and are no longer swayed by religious dogma or politics.  The purpose is to bring the state of righteousness (dharma) back again in current state of political turmoil and selfishly motivated people.  We believe the truth can be known and realised through guided and workable ways. Thousands have benefited from the process of initiation and share them with your friends and family and together we’ll touch and transform lives. 

# Soulschennai

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