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Expression emerges from something that has been projected from the core of the energy at multiple levels of states of consciousness. Mostly people we generally meet are compilers and users of information without much concern or depth of the same at any level other than the attraction of it at the Need based or Desire Based levels of conditions.

People go around multiple things to connect and express the concern in the most natural manner while in many cases they avoid, suppress or escape from emotions by hiding under masks of passively received expressive thoughts and messages.

These thoughts and concepts keeps up emerging as an issue that makes and creates a visual projection of self as something that is superior in every manner,thus the energy and concscious  keeps suppressing, negating or downgrading the people around in the thought or hope of making them evolve to the self created state of awareness they hold on to.

The core of the Expression for evolving has to emerge from the one who seeks out and lives on the concepts of expression for others. This is quite needed for it in reality the True spiritual living is not about negating, accepting, rejecting, ignoring or even creating condition rather it is a way of being there in that moment of the timeless time and spaceless space that encompasses external, internal, emotional, spiritual responsibilities and accountability in the manner suitable for those tasks. This is pure life of spiritual ways where the journey itself matters where every single moment is filled with guidance and wisdom coming from within.

Soul Searchers intends to raise the consciousness of people and to help create a turning point on this planet—a world where people are in tune with their inner-selves, living healthy and creative lives and are no longer swayed by religious dogma or politics.  The purpose is to bring the state of righteousness (dharma) back again in current state of political turmoil and selfishly motivated people.  We believe the truth can be known and realised through guided and workable ways. Thousands have benefited from the process of initiation and share them with your friends and family and together we’ll touch and transform lives. 

# Soulschennai

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