Without knowing your father or mother one is not able to know your own grandfather, grandmother or anyone beyond them. Similarly one who lives without knowing your living Guru can never realise the lineage, lineage system flows through
Guru – Living Master
Parama Guru(Guru of the living Guru),
Parameshthi Guru (Guru of Parama Guru)
Paratparguru(Guru of Parameshthi Guru),
Even if one has a idol or image or photograph of Guru’s of past one can never realize the true form of the Guru parampara(lineage) without true reverence, humility and surrender to the living Guru. Certain people feel that by knowing or reading the books written by Guru one can easily attain the grace of Guru, if it was true way then what was the need for the original disciples to go through such hardships to attain the grace of Guru. For the original disciples it was more easy to approach the Living Guru and be there. Even those who start the path of reading and knowing about teachers and Guru’s of past find that nature guides one to get in touch with the Living breathing Guru who can show you the true path. Just being a disciple, a true disciple, forgetting the fact that the Guru who has given you a way to connect has to be followed with all reverence, sincerity, humility.
Those who truly follow the way understand the value of being there with Guru and not just having a image, idol of a Guru who has left the body, and throughout their life they keep searching for people who can answer and show the way to attain their inner quest. It is crucial to know the Guru first, go deep and connect with Him to such a level that one truly understands the ways He (Guru) in himself learned from His Guru. A true Guru (Satguru) will never try to reach beyond His Guru, for He knows whatever He is gaining is the crux that the lineage passed from one generation to another. The beauty of this unique timeless generation is that none of them are related in terms of blood yet their inner spirits remain one, one in all aspects. Physically with passage of time and space, each body moves to further journey but the next living entity represents the vacant space with all purity, sanctity and reverence. The Living Guru never replaces anyone but it is a chain of light that keeps moving through time and space in the most natural way allowing more and more souls to get connected and ignited spirits, for from the ignited and alive spirits one who is can truly represent the lineage shall become the carrier of light.
A seeker has to know that without surrendering to a living Guru, one can never surrender to Divine or those highly enlightened beings who are associated with the living Guru.
pic courtesy : @thelivinglenspage, @Sreefotos