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I am Awakened?

After 39 years of the first experience of Awakening within Kerala, I had evolved everyday through various meditation practices and ways that I either learned from self or have been blessed by teachers. The term ‘Kundalini’ was introduced to me in year 1977 by the Mystical Sadhu who had shown me the way to My Satguru. I had met this amazing mystical Sadhu in Trivandrum(current Thiruvananthapuram) near Valiyasala Cremation ground. Whatever I learned and had experienced was most wonderful thing the creators creation could offer me during the seven years post that.

As my time of passing on the knowledge came nearer I was approached by hundreds of thousands of seekers of truth who claimed their “Kundalini” was awakened but on analyzing facts and scanning the energy fields and blockages, it was quite clear that what they assumingly believed to be Kundalini awakening or experience was nothing more than a  jolt of energy rising and then falling down of the Auric Energy Conscious silently or at maximum opening of a Nadi (Subtle nerve) of a Chakra. I have seen people jump to write books, blogs  about their awakening experience and finding ways of proving that about their so awakening experience to claim to be Enlightened. I have also seen most of them even though claiming to be awakened and enlightened look  for solutions either basic problems or issues connected with inner problems

Having a simple experience or few sensational experiences make people jump to conclude that they have awakened the force within and allowed it to rise all through the multi fold Chakras to attain the bliss they have read or heard.

I had been bringing people to attain the awareness for last 25 years and this was something unique for majority of people never had a living person to guide them they all were looking at either Teachers who just had some experience or were looking for guiding experiences from the Samadhist Master. Some went on to the extent of saying these Samadhist Masters are alive but the response, seeking and reaction of such people were always at gross levels. One cannot understand the subtle nature without able to let go of the limitation of the goals in life. Kundalini awakening or Energy rising is not an end as people believe but it is a experience happening at different levels of energies from the Grossest, Gross, Subtle, Subtler and Subtlest levels.

Grossest levels of consciousness is Called Kuná(Snake Awakening), Gross levels of consciousness it is Kulá(Snake Coiling back), Subtle levels of consciousness is called Käuna(Snake bringing force to the Coiled force), Subtler levels of Consciousness called Kägyó (Snake Strikes merging the  Time and Space), Subtlest levels of Consciousness is called KäKí (Becoming the Timeless and Spaceless). This sensing of awakening can never be determined by a novice or one holding traditional and contorted ideas of teaching or even those who are working on the Auric or Etheric Body Energy. This is a force that can be laid open by one who has been continuously working on the Energy within the Chakra’s itself at Cosmic levels, Universal levels, Time and Space levels, Body, mind and Consciousness levels.  This guidance is not at physical levels only but slowly works through the intricate cellular patterns to mold the consciousness and energy residing within the matter to allow one to grow, evolve and rise on a path of truth following the most natural universal law of awakening and

 This is a transformation one has to seek for it is a law which allows one to connect at sub-atomic levels to the universal force at any moment of time the beautiful effect and affect such a moment is so beautiful that even if one wants to disconnect from it one finds it is easy to do but then when any change happening within the universal force one would find it similar things within one too. The distance and disconnection may even transcend this space and time yet the transformation is such that it comes to effect you even in that moment of time and space.

Every single change in the universal force will impact you and any change within you will have great impact on universal force. So one cannot be described or talked about without considering both the aspects.

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