My journey allowed me learn some great mystical ancient divine forces and those forces had a way of teaching and a way of learning that was quite different from all the scriptures I had read or known. I have been spreading the knowledge that I gained through my Masters. The knowledge comes through a ancient unbroken lineage of Avasi-Adva showing the way of the Divine light(út Ál Ilā).
Ancient times before the organized formation of religious gods or dogmas, the world followed a tradition ‘Avasi Adva- आवसी अद्व. This ancient tradition has no actual record of a beginning in time. What is known today is from the tradition of ‘Avasi Adva’ and those who were known to this tradition were considered timeless, without beginning or end.
‘Avasi’ in the most natural language means ‘delivered from, bestowed’, ‘Ad” meaning ‘unknown, mystical, hidden’ and ‘Va’ meaning ‘Cosmic spark, light, sparkle’.
Through the timeless period the light consciousness and its essence remained the
core way of expanding the oneness among people. Nearly 35000 years ago the tradition moved into the inception of the lineage of Naimisha through the formless form of Divine Isā , whereon light and its essence was bestowed upon ‘Ea’, who is the first to be worshipped in the form of formless light of ‘Ya’ having a four path designated for knowledge.