Testing me, O spirit of Life
Tell me, O spirit of heart
Extracting the life within me
Wouldn’t you die with me
For non knows you, my life
for non knows you, my spirit
Once gone and buried
who will even you play with
Love word has no meaning
moment a condition emerges
a relation is born with conditions
more conditional than love of life
it breaks one slowly, till life no more
Once, I will leave will you be happy
O Spirit, you will also die
None knows the heart, than me
heartless world full of conditions
talk about heart, yet fear love in it
One needs condition to love to live
I die with conditions for only Heart I have
loving heart, loving spirit, living life
all taken away slowly, why tell me
if it isn’t the way, whygive heart?
Why ask me to love, rise in love
if bound by conditions, I suffer
~ Maitreya Rudrabhayananda