Majority of people are prisoners of their conditional mind to such a level that no influence, even that of divine or people they believe in have any influence on them. Most of them would go and listen to everything being told by knowers of higher truth than him be it religious masters or spiritual masters. They Will never deny anything being said and would appear as nearly accepting them; they will say, ‘yes need for change is there but I cannot be part of it’. This reaction emerges for in that moment they know very well that are held up in the lowest ebb of behaviour and choices in life. But those choices and behaviour pulls them down to compromise on worse of scenarios and believe that in fulfilling the needs however small they Will never be ever miserable again. But in fulfillment of same need they become more miserable as time moves on. The one who is able to work on oneself at spiritual realm strengthens the focus, disciples and lives a life of principles. Though most of ideal followed by them appears quite far off but in reality it is the state of evolution that makes them more living, compassionate, loving and caring for people and relations than mundane fulfillment of needs. They follow a life where life fulfill need moments not needs filling life with misery. ~ Maitreya Rudrabhayananda Image : Sreekumar Krishnan
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