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Spiritual spring cleaning

Sun shines, breeze is gentle and warm, and people love to open the windows to a brighter day and brighter life. This is a wonderful time to break the layers of dust to allow the shining floor to see the light, let the fears be hanged outside and shed all the unwanted loads of belongings- material, religious, spiritual and conditional. This is spring time for it is a moment of change where life opens to a new leash of life, new inquisitiveness takes over and it awakens us from the deep levels of hibernation, nurturing and revitalizing every single cell of ours.

Spring comes once in a year while in life it happens every time we open ourselves with the maturity of mind and inquisitiveness and heart of a child, this is the true power of change we all look forward to and it all begins with the Love, which we truly come to face when we change.

The best place to begin is by contemplating on affirmation “Open my heart, let it know the true spirit and renew the essence of Love within me”. This shall allow the expansion of heart and bring about the essence of deep love with self and people around bringing clarity, purification and a sense of celebration within.

This is not easy for the mind is cluttered and it resists all changes for it keeps on distracting  you and keeps you completely immersed in the management of clutter leading to anger, jealousy, resentment and fear itself. Every emotion that holds you back is unwanted load and painful struggle that love to keep you under control, but the moment you confront them with the deep faith in the affirmation, you shall find the clutter gives you an orderly space and as time passes they slowly get removed from the mind. This is a cleansing from within of the language, heart, negativity pessimism, sins, guilt, emotions allowing you to truly become friends with your own self allowing you to connect with life around you making every moment a moment of refreshing awareness of your spirit. This is the true art of learning to laugh at self and Life in true form of peace, joy and happiness making the world a better place to live eternally. 

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