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Every individual seeks a life of peace, happiness and enlightenment. Peace comes from knowing the body. Happiness comes from knowing the mind, which flows from within, and it expands in the form of Divine. Enlightenment happens the moment one becomes humane.

Ananth Yoga and its advance stages, along with other divine ways of knowing the divine, are based on truth realization and Aparokshanubhuti (self-realization). The concept and essence were lost to humans for thousands of years, before the Divine himself allowed the sacred science to be known to humans in a manner that is suitable to them, through a medium He selected. 

I really do not know if the time is right or wrong, but for me it is the first time I am talking as a Guru, whose mission is not just to handle daily routine queries, but to be able to justify myself in front of the H.H. Ashariri Prajnanamrita Sri Aghor Baba Pinakadrika ji, who took me in and showed me the way. Only HE allowed various mediums, over the various periods, to guide rest of the people towards this divine cosmic task, known as Svakhyata Dharma.

Today this path is unknown to many, yet it is HIS path, the path originally declared by HIM through many mediums over centuries. The time and space have changed, so has the plays of mind, where at one moment of time this was a reality and it was considered as a blessing. Today, due to external process of realisation, the scope of the truth gets limited. It is due to the heavy layers of blockages, which the mind is capable, of providing illusory perception at various levels of consciousness. Gross and yet having the subtle aspects of projection of the self, in a unique manner. Leading one to associate and connect to the source of energy to merge back into the realm of consciousness, as the layers keep dropping off with passage of time and space.

Ananth Yoga is an emerging point of the consciousness, that allows one to delve deep to merge back into the subtlety of the consciousness. Helping one to drop the conditionalities and blockages, to emerge as the source of energy. Allowing one to connect to the divinity, as the child, as one was originally born, having the living Spirit that connects to the Divine Supreme.

ISBN: 978-93-5593-701-8

Pages: 152 Size: 8 ½” x 5 ¼”

Illustration: Black & White

Price : Rs. 350+Courier Charges


SKU: 364115376135191
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