The basic principle of learning is to be there in that moment. To be nothing, unlearning etc and all big words remains only words if one is not there in the moment of learning. That moment ignites the spark within you and to hold the spark and to sustain it one needs to clean the vessel. The vessel being you; it requires huge amount of patience, practice and perserverance with lot of humbleness to hold the spark in the purest manner.
The spark is the purest essence, it is able to tear away the ignorance if one does not hold the arrogance, ignorance as more precious than the spark. The spark has to be fed with all your ignorance and all the dirt so that it can release you from the bondage, if you do not feed it, it remains hidden and then it dies out, it has to re-ignited. The spark is like a new born baby. Lot of patience, love, compassion, depth and a pure sense of sacrifice is to be there for your needs and desires, else the baby will die.
This spark is passed from one to another, one who has preserved the spark to make it a roaring fire only can give a spark to the one in need.
People world over have benefited from AMaRA's programs over last Three Decades
Raál Spandana
Raál Spandana is a unique spiritual practice or discipline that leads to perfection has its core in the revealed science that has been streamlined and designed by AMaRA. This is a transformative spiritual practice that combines processes and ways that can help one to utilise Consciousness, Energy as a Nutrient for the Inner Body, Mind and Spirit allowing the transformation to be visible at the Body levels.
This pathway is based on the transmission of the ZāĪáś a powerful Energisation method allowing one to gain insights of self in the powerful manner.
This pathway builds depth, clarity, inner essence connectivity and allows one to be truly Spiritual in the World one seeks to attain and the World one Seeks to conquer.
Come on the journey of health, happiness, joy, intensity of a child, fervour of teenager and passion and vision of a mature person.